Sale Watermelon Powder

Sale Watermelon Powder

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Sale Watermelon Powder

12 health benefits of watermelon
Watermelon is a fruit rich in water, helping to keep the body and skin hydrated, as well as improving fluid retention and preventing the formation of kidney stones.

In addition to being a diuretic, watermelon also has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer, digestive and antihypertensive properties and, therefore, its regular consumption can bring several health benefits.

The red color of watermelon is due to the presence of lycopene, a compound with antioxidant action. Furthermore, watermelon is made up of 92% water and only 6% sugar, which is a small amount that does not negatively affect blood sugar levels and is therefore a good option to include in your diet.

Health benefits of watermelon

The main health benefits of watermelon are:

1. Improve and prevent fluid retention
Watermelon is a fruit that has a large amount of water, so it has a diuretic effect on the body, helping to debloat and eliminate excess fluids from the body through urine.

In addition, watermelon also contains potassium, a mineral that promotes the elimination of excess fluid from the body, helping to reduce inflammation.

2. Hydrate the body
Watermelon helps keep the body hydrated, as around 92% of its composition is water, making it a good option for hotter days.

3. Prevent kidney stone formation
Watermelon is a fruit with protective properties against kidney disease and helps keep urine clean, as it has diuretic properties. Furthermore, it also has steroids and alkanes as the main constituents of the pulp, which could help prevent the formation of kidney stones.

Furthermore, the potassium present in watermelon also helps to balance the acids that can be produced by the body, increasing pH and reducing excess calcium in the urine, thus preventing the formation of kidney stones.

4. Strengthen the immune system
Watermelon contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system, as it stimulates the body's defense cells, due to the fact that it is a source of vitamin C and A, which act as antioxidants, preventing the emergence of diseases such as flu and colds.

5. Protect your skin from the sun
Due to its composition rich in carotenoids, such as lycopene, watermelon is a great option to help protect the skin from damage caused by sun rays. In addition, it also has antioxidants that help prevent the damage that free radicals cause to the skin, thus preventing premature aging.

6. Improve intestinal transit
Watermelon contains fiber and water, which increase the fecal volume and contribute to better intestinal transit.

7. Promotes weight loss
Watermelon has few calories and a small amount of fiber, so when combined with a balanced and healthy diet, it can help with weight loss.

8. Helps control blood pressure
Watermelon contains citrulline, an amino acid that could increase nitric oxide levels in the body, helping to dilate blood vessels and thus favor a decrease in blood pressure.

Furthermore, this fruit also contains potassium, a mineral that promotes the removal of excess sodium from the body through urine, helping to regulate blood pressure.

Lycopene, another antioxidant compound found in watermelon, can also help regulate blood pressure, as some studies indicate that this fruit reduces vasoconstriction and promotes a decrease in blood pressure.

9. Improves skin and hair health
Watermelon contributes to healthy skin and hair, due to the presence of vitamins A, C and lycopene. Vitamin C intervenes in collagen synthesis, vitamin A contributes to cell regeneration and lycopene helps protect the skin from sun damage.

The red part of the watermelon is rich in antioxidant carotenoids, beta-carotene and lycopene that protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun, but the clear part, close to the rind, is also rich in nutrients and should therefore be consumed whenever possible.

10. Improves performance in physical activity
Citrulline is an amino acid that can be found in watermelon and can improve performance during exercise.

In addition, watermelon also contains potassium and magnesium, minerals that are important for preventing muscle weakness, improving muscle contraction and cramps during intense physical activity.

11. Protects the heart
The lycopene present in watermelon has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action, preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, preventing the formation of atherosclerosis plaques and the development of heart diseases, such as heart attack or stroke, for example.

Furthermore, lycopene is able to increase the concentration of HDL cholesterol, promoting heart health.

12. Prevent cancer
Watermelon has carotenoids, mainly lycopene, a compound with antioxidant and anticancer properties, so it can be effective in preventing some types of cancer, such as prostate and colorectal cancer.

Furthermore, this fruit also contains cucurbitacin E, a compound that, according to some scientific studies, could inhibit the growth of tumor cells, promoting the removal of diseased cells from the body.

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